Eva’s sessions have been fantastic – she has motivated and supported me to make hugely impactful and transformational changes with my team, given me practical tools to tackle areas I am weaker at and held me accountable to push ahead at pace. Having her support over the past 6 months has had a tangible impact on supporting me to grow my business and confidence. Thank you!
— Amber, Deloitte Partner, London
I am very grateful to Eva for the time and energy she gave to our coaching relationship. I enjoyed working with her and feel that I understand myself better which has, in turn, helped me to understand those I work with better, and helped me to focus on working on the strengths of others around me. Since doing this, I have seen positive gains in myself and others which has improved the performance of myself and the teams I lead and has created a better and more positive culture in those working relationships.
— Rebecca, NHS Leader, London
Eva is a fantastic coach, full of insight, and able to provide challenge to enable potential to be realised! She supported and encouraged me in a new CEO role, and was integral to my growth in confidence and belief in myself. I would recommend her wholeheartedly.
— Karen, CEO, Bristol
Eva has a natural talent for coaching, effortlessly combining its best elements. She helped me hold a mirror up to myself with curiosity and without judgment. She helped me look inward and increase my self-awareness with the right amount of challenge and support. It’s great to witness people and jobs matching so well, and Eva looks like one of those rare cases. It has been a privilege working with her; I benefited immensely.
— Vaios. Deloitte Partner, Athens, Greece.
As a result of coaching sessions with Eva, I have grown as a person, as an introverted woman working in an extroverted and male dominated industry. I am so much better equipped to tackle obstacles that I may encounter ahead of me and I am ready to go for far more in life! Thank you, Eva and all the best!
— Krystyna, HR Business Partner, Vertiv, Dubai
When I started the coaching I didn’t know what to expect. Eva was so helpful in helping me to think about what I wanted coaching to be without being prescriptive – we agreed that a session would be purposeful or ‘successful’ if it helped me to change my thinking about something. This was a really helpful way to think about the sessions, and something that I have taken into my thinking not just about coaching but also to my role as a leader. I’ve even taken this idea to think about how I evaluate my team! Eva’s friendly, supportive and calm presence has helped me to work through some tricky dilemmas I had faced in the role, without giving me instructions or solutions but instead supporting me to find my solutions on my own. This gave me the sense of power and agency to problem solve and map out ideas for development myself, in a way that fits me and lines up with my skills and interests, but with a sense that I am not alone. I have become a more confident, competent and creative leader as a result of these sessions, and I would recommend them to everyone else in a heartbeat!
— Danielle, Leader, London
Eva provided the perfect level of openness, challenge, and flexibility in working through anything I brought to our sessions in whichever way I would find most helpful, particularly when the unpredictability of this year threw unexpected challenges my way. She facilitated key reflections on my successes during this time to help me put things into perspective, and gave me tools to help slow down, look after myself, and consider what is in my control and what isn’t. As a result, I am more self-aware and mindful, and my relationships with others have improved, as well as my relationship with myself and my tendencies for self-criticism and doubt.
— Ruby, Programme Officer, London
Since working with Eva, I have moved into a team manager role. I really don’t think I would have taken the leap to team manager without her coaching support. Before working with Eva, I was struggling with my confidence to step outside of my comfort zone. I found our sessions to be a catalyst for me processing some of the difficulties both within my personal and professional life, which enabled me to release and work through some of the emotions that I wasn’t consciously aware that I was internalising. I had not experienced coaching before my sessions with Eva, and I found it an invaluable experience – my only wish being that we could have enjoyed more sessions together.

Eva was fantastic at introducing psychological concepts to me – some I had been aware of and some were new to me. What she helped me to do most was link these theories and models to reality which could then enable me to apply them to my management of others and everyday action. One that I particularly enjoyed was learning about Growth Mindset and how this could and has benefited me.

Once again, thank you 😊
— Janine, Leader, Devon
From session one Eva’s warm, personable and supportive yet challenging approach was exactly what I needed. I felt increasingly confident in being able to throw myself into this fully, be vulnerable and therefore place myself in the very best position in order to develop, change and improve my practice and sense of self within this.

The sessions allowed me to focus on matters of importance to me at that moment as well as more deeply factors that affected my confidence and comfort within the role and those which have acted as (self-imposed) barriers throughout my career and my life and seek to begin to deconstruct these. This allowed me to begin to challenge long standing and set beliefs about myself as a person and a professional that has for the first time in my 14 year careers in frontline work been able to shift some of the self-deprecation and open the doors to increased recognition of my strengths and abilities and provide me with a framework for continued growth, enjoyment and development.

Having previously felt somewhat trapped in my role through fear of taking the next step and being fearful of the impact of this on myself having been “burned” previously in a similar situation, the sessions have helped me be more balanced and objective as my own personal historian. This has contributed to my developing confidence and assertiveness in practice linked to my own skills, abilities and what I bring, and I hope will allow me not only to be able to more confidently stretch myself in my work life, but also feel better about my self overall with an increased sense of worth and value.
— Karl, Leader, Cheltenham
Before working with Eva, I lacked confidence which hindered my ability to perform and practice in a way that I would like. Eva helped me to understand and manage my imposter syndrome and the lack of conviction in my professional assessment and analysis. In our sessions, Eva supported me by asking the right question at the right time, gently pushing me to reflect, and helping to create action plans for how to improve and progress. This has meant that I am now more able to supress the doubting thoughts, build my authority, recognise my strengths and achievements, and provide me with the skills to become a coach for myself so that I can support myself moving forward. Eva’s support has been invaluable, and I honestly believe that without her kindness, support, and patience, I would not be where I am now.
— Rosie, Social Worker, Warwickshire
Through Eva’s coaching, I’m amazed at how much I’ve learned about myself and how I work. I come away from her sessions feeling energised and full of confidence to try something new and get out of my comfort zone. Eva is fun, positive and encouraging and she creates a great space for me to think about and discuss my fears, and come up with solutions myself. I’ve made huge strides in the past year and appreciate Eva’s time and effort to help me move forward. Thank you so much Eva!
— Bonnie, Journalist, Bristol
Eva is an enthusiastic, insightful and motivational coach. She gentle explores a topic of personal chose and empowers you to look at this in more detail. She always brings out the positives in you helping you build your self-esteem and confidence. Eva has helped me tackle some personal difficulties and overcome some of those nagging, back of the mind pests which has helped me grow both professionally and personally. Thank you Eva.
— Lauren, Social Worker, Taunton
I found the sessions with Eva really helpful...particularly the work we did about personal strengths. By noticing and prompting me to reflect on when I was using my strengths, I have developed a greater appreciation of how these ‘natural skills’ shape how I respond in a number of contexts, which in a people, relationship based profession has been transformative
— Della, Social Worker, Bristol
...the whole experience of having [Eva] in the background on the journey with me through this pandemic has made the journey feel less challenging and helped me move from a position of not knowing what I wanted for my future, to a more positive position and state of mind...I have a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses...which has helped me to understand my end-in-mind better, and helped me to build better relationships with my team and others I work with. Would I do it again? A resounding yes….. And a follow up session already booked for 6 months’ time.
— Angela Douglas MBE, Deputy Chief Scientific Officer, NHS England
Eva has a passion for enabling people to live better lives in the moment. She did this though supporting me to actualise my strengths and resources to work towards achieving my aspirations and goals in life. She actively listens, holds you in the moment and acknowledges the challenging aspects we have all been through in life. This listening is supported by accurate reflections and affirmations of the attributes and strengths I have shown to come through these challenges. Eva very skilfully brought these attributes into my conscious awareness and we celebrated them. These strengths are collaboratively fed forward into a positive reframing of the skills and resources I already have. I feel I now have a solid base and sense of worth on which I can realise my aspirations and goals in life.
— Paul, Social Worker, Bristol
Eva helped me to take control of how to get to where I wanted to be and how I wanted to feel when I was there. At the start of my coaching sessions, my confidence was very low. By the end, whilst still in a challenging workplace and environment, I was feeling energised, confident in my ability and in control.

As a result of the coaching, I am better at communicating, better at asking for help and more assertive in doing so. Being happier in work, not carrying stress home every night has improved my overall wellbeing. I have a better work/life balance and know how to switch off at the end of the day. I have future goals and aims identified and am excited about working towards achieving them.

I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to work with Eva, I can’t recommend her highly enough.
— Helen, Head of Finance, Bath
I highly recommend Eva as a coach. She is very personable, and her warm, relaxed manner promotes an environment that lends itself to self evaluation and development. Working with Eva was a pleasure, and a learning experience on many different levels.
— Ruth, Partner, Clarke Willmott, Bristol
Eva is a warm and compassionate coach. I really valued the thinking space the coaching sessions gave me, allowing me to work through some mindset challenges which have been holding me back. When I got ‘stuck’ in coaching sessions, Eva skilfully drew me back out with an insightful question or using a powerful thinking strategy. The sessions helped re-energise me towards my goal, and refresh my focus on the future. Thank you Eva!
— Fiona, Business Owner, Bristol
Being a manager can be draining, everyone’s expectations of you are high and you are open to criticism from others which can knock your confidence. Having a coach that you connect with is a breath of fresh air. I’m not a fan of talking about myself but thanks to our connection Eva helped me find my voice and positively challenged me, which was refreshing. At the end of every session, I felt lighter and stronger. Thank you Eva
— Polly, Head of Activities, Bath
Eva is a skilled listener and knows the correct questions to ask, and when.

Eva makes the time to understand who you are what frequency you are running on, which is a rare gift.

I would highly recommend Eva as your coach, she really can help you to access the answers that are within.
— Matt, Social Worker, Bristol
Eva’s sessions have been fantastic – she has motivated and supported me to make hugely impactful and transformational changes with my team, given me practical tools to tackle areas I am weaker at and held me accountable to push ahead at pace. Having her support over the past 6 months has had a tangible impact on supporting me to grow my business and confidence. Thank you!
— Amber, Partner, Deloitte UK